Friday, July 23, 2010

Comic Con Updates: Digital vs Print

I read an article today in the L.A. Times about the new trend of digital comics (click here for article). These comics are available to download on cellphones, iPads, computers etc. 

Digital is definitely the wave of the future and I am not sure I want to go surfing on that wave. First newspapers went digital and then books (thanks to the Nook and Kindle). I can get on board with newspapers being online because they are easier to read that way and I can read multiple newspaper from different cities. I cannot however, get on board with digital books. I have been a book nerd since learning how to read. I love the look, smell, and feel of books! There is nothing like going to a library or bookstore to shop and read! I will never give up reading books in print! I am online all day for my job, so the last thing I want to do when I get home and am ready to relax is to read a book online. Good old fashion books don't need the internet or electricity to be read! I can read a book anywhere and anytime. 

This new idea of digital comics is just as bad of an idea to me as digital books. Again for me personally reading is all about the actual printed pages. I love reading comics and would definitely prefer to read them in print not online. The only positive thing I can say about digital comics is that they would save a lot of storage space. My house is drowning with comics boxes and I don't have a single closet with free space in it! 

Weigh in:

What do you think of comics going digital?

Are you pro or con?

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