Friday, July 23, 2010

Comic Con Updates: Fuckin Love It!

For those of you who did not hear about this yet, the sick demented fucked up losers from the Westboro Baptist Church attended Comic Con to protest. No they are not protesting the Comic Con itself, this is just the group of religious nutters who go around to large media covered events protesting against homosexuals. They're the bastards who protested at the funeral of a (straight) soldier who died serving in Iraq. Their signs usually say things like "God hates fags", "God hates Jews", "Thank God for dead soldiers" etc. Yes these people are crazy fucktards! What makes it worse is they have their children come and protest with them (see picture above)....well the Comic Con attendees had a counter protest against the couple of WBC dumbfucks that were there... and I have never been so proud of nerds in my life! Way to go Comic Con-ers! I heart you big time!

These pictures are courtesy of Justin Kirchart who submitted them to the blog Pharyngula (which by the way is one of my favorite blogs of all time)

I don't know which sign I like more Superman died for our sins, God hates Jedi or Odin is God...Fuckin Love it!

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