Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sexy vs Sexist

Feminism, unfortunately has become a bad word to many. It also is a confusing term because it means different things to different people. I consider myself a feminist, but other feminist not might consider me one due to some of my beliefs.Which is complete bullshit because there is no one definition of a feminist!

I am a feminist because I believe in equal rights for both men and women. I believe the sexes are equal in value, skills, intelligence etc. I try my best to be politically active in promoting women's rights and to fight the negative gender stereotypes that have plagued our society since the beginning of time.

My views and practices as a feminist as always evolving as I evolve as a person. For example I use to be against any form of pornography-period. Pornography degrades women and portrays them as sexual objects not people. For the most part I still believe that statement to be true. There are men who only see and treat women like property and sex objects...and these men are pigs! But just because some men treat women this way doesn't mean that all men do. Some men who enjoy pornography are nice guys who treat women really well. Like all things in life not everything is black or white. Life is gray. There are some very bad things that can happen in and from pornography, but there are also some good things too. You just have to be honest and open about both sides. Stay away from anything you feel is wrong, but remember that not everyone shares your opinion. It is not fair to impose your rules and morals on other people!

There are feminist who believe it is wrong for any woman to support or be a part of the pornography industry. Gloria Steinem once said, “A woman reading Playboy feels a little like a Jew reading a Nazi manual.”I use to agree with her. How could any woman subject herself to being another man's sex object? We have fought for so many years for the right to be seen and valued for more then sex. We have more then just a vagina boys! I do get angry when I meet women who don't care about their own rights or the rights of women as a whole. It is frustrating! This doesn't mean though the just because a woman is involved in the sex industry that she is one of those non-caring women. Feminists can be anyone! Women who pose in Playboy pose because they want to. There isn't some man standing behind them holding a gun to their heads. Women are choosing to be in Playboy. Hey here's a crazy thought maybe some women genuinely enjoy being naked and being viewed as a sex symbol. And guess what we live in America where they have every right to feel that way! We need to stop stop judging people based on stereotypes!

Stereotypes are stereotypes....they are assumptions made about a whole group. While stereotypes are usually based on small pieces of truth, generally they are a big load of shit!

Not all women are feminists (sad but true-mostly thanks to religion)
Not all feminists are women
Not all feminists are men hating lesbians (but some are)
Not all Playboy bunnies and centerfolds are uneducated, anti-feminist, airheads (but some are)

You get the idea...stop judging people! We are always boxing people in and creating these narrow definitions of them. Why can't you be in Playboy and be a feminist? Who made this decision and why do we listen to them? Why do we assume someone's intelligence and skill level based off of their outward appearance? News flash there is no correlation between appearance and beliefs, skills, intelligence, education level etc.

If a woman wants to pose in Playboy I think she should be able to do it! It is not my place to tell her no! The female body is beautiful and sexy...and that is part of what makes us special!

Women should not have to become like men (acting or looking like) in order to be equal. I am equal to a man in every way....and that stays true whether I am naked, wearing pink designer clothes,  and make-up or wearing a broom skirt, Birkenstocks, and no make-up at all! 

Let's put the feminine back into feminism! Let's stop being sexist and start being sexy!

I am a feminist because I believe in the crazy notion that I can be feminine and be equal!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I'm a gay male feminist . . . how does that work?!? lol
    My mom used to be embarassed that I minored in Women's Studies. Now I think she sees the benefits.
