Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kevin Smith-Smodcast

Hello All,

So last night I attended the live recording of the podcast show Smodcast featuring Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier (at the Tempe Improv). Overall the show was really good. I laughed a lot and really enjoyed all their comic and Comic Con jokes. The only two issues I had was one, the Tempe Improv was way to fuckin hot...seriously I was sweating my ass off the whole time. It was uncomfortable to the point that we left the show earlier then we had planned to just because we needed to get out to our car for some AC. The second issue was I got a little bored towards the end of the show where all they talked about were male sex toys. 

A couple of sex toy jokes are okay, but my interest started to wane as the topic kept going and going. For one I am a female and don't give a shit about male sex toys. Secondly I don't really get the point of any sex toys...why not just have sex with a real woman or man? Maybe if a guy spent less time and money on buying stupid sex toys he could get a girlfriend to have sex with instead. I don't have an issue with sex toys or anything I just think they are kind of over the top. Why are we spending so much and energy on crap like this? Have actual sex people! It's much more enjoyable! 

I a related topic-I just have to ask men....what is the difference between a girl's asshole and a guy's? There are so many stupid homophobic guys out there who oddly enough are completely ok with sticking their junk in a girl's asshole, but gross out at the idea of sticking it in a guy's asshole. I only bring this up because a couple of the Fleshlight sex toys Kevin Smith gave out last night were fake assholes to masturbate with. An asshole is an asshole...how can you tell the difference in the dark anyway? Either stop screwing assholes and use the vagina (as it is intended to be used) or stop being so goddamn homophobic!

Happy Humping!

Monday, July 26, 2010

"Hot" Girl Hate!

In case Hollywood has not gotten the memo yet....stop putting "actresses" who don't look the part and/or cannot act into comic movie roles just because you think they are "hot"!

First case in point: Stupid FUCKIN Megan Fox! 

She is horrible in every movie she has ever made and once she was cast in Jonah Hex I didn't even bother to see the movie-not that it looked good anyway. She was recently rumored to be the next possible Wonder Woman or Aspen from Fathom and the newest rumor is that she will be playing Cat Woman in Nolan's next Batman film. Fuck that! I refuse to see Batman if they cast someone as moronic as Megan Fox to play Selina! Cat Woman has been overdone anyway why don't they put someone like Poison Ivy or Harley Quinn in the next Batman film-that would be bad ass!

Making out with herself in the mirror-just when I thought Megan Fox couldn't get any dumber! 

Second case in point: Jessica Alba

Yes Jessica Alba is pretty, but no her acting isn't good. Plus she was cast as Invisible Woman in both Fantastic Four movies...um FYI Hollywood Alba is half Mexican which means it looks retarded to have her play a blond blue eyed comic character! She looked even more ridiculous in the second film with her scary blue contacts and super bleached hair! Yikes! How hard would it have been to cast a blond blue eyed actress-preferably one who could act too?

Third case in point: Haley Barry

First off all I she doesn't make my hot list. Secondly I think her acting isn't great either....I know I know she got an oscar for being able to do a great sex scene-whatever. Why on earth was she ever cast as Cat Woman? Seriously she was the worst Cat Woman ever! Period! There is nothing more to say about her crap version of Cat Woman. She also sucked as Storm in the X-Men movies! My Storm is a bad ass tough African Goddess...not some whiny boring half African American actress!

Fourth case in point: Alice Eve

First she was in that horrible cliched movie She's Out of My League. Now she is going to be playing Emma Frost in the next X-Men Origins movie. I don't have a huge issue with Alice Eve I just don't think she looks enough like Emma Frost..sorry Alice you need to be a little hotter!

Comic Con Update: 07.26.10

Favorite picture of the comic con so far...

Speaking of Hit Girl I bought an awesome Hit Girl shirt this weekend and I can't wait to wear it!

I also bought the Grimm Fairy Tales Swimsuit Edition this weekend-it's adorable as usual-I just love the artwork in Grimm Fairy Tales! The only thing my hubby and I couldn't figure out is why the hell there is a picture of one of the characters lying out by the pool in Flagstaff, AZ? Apparently that artist has not been to Flagstaff, AZ. I lived in Flagstaff while attending NAU and I can assure you that it is never warm enough to go swimming in Flagstaff, as Flagstaff is a ski resort town...maybe the artist meant hot tub not swimming pool? 

In other comic news they have announced Ed Norton's replacement as the Hulk for the Avenger's movie...Mark Ruffalo. Mark Ruffalo is not a terrible actor, but I am definitely skeptical about him playing the Hulk...Mark tends to talk in a really muffled slurred voice. Edward Norton has played a buff, murderer, Neo-Nazis and the Hulk...maybe Hollywood shouldn't make him mad-LOL-just a thought...

Also why are they having Chris Evans who plays the Human Torch in Fantastic Four play Captain America? It doesn't make sense for them to use an actor for two different characters...oh wait they are doing that with Ryan Reynolds too (Deadpool and Green Lantern)...what the fuck is up Hollywood? Let's get your act together please!

Screw Captain America how about an American Dream movie....anyone?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Comic Con Updates: Fuckin Love It!

For those of you who did not hear about this yet, the sick demented fucked up losers from the Westboro Baptist Church attended Comic Con to protest. No they are not protesting the Comic Con itself, this is just the group of religious nutters who go around to large media covered events protesting against homosexuals. They're the bastards who protested at the funeral of a (straight) soldier who died serving in Iraq. Their signs usually say things like "God hates fags", "God hates Jews", "Thank God for dead soldiers" etc. Yes these people are crazy fucktards! What makes it worse is they have their children come and protest with them (see picture above)....well the Comic Con attendees had a counter protest against the couple of WBC dumbfucks that were there... and I have never been so proud of nerds in my life! Way to go Comic Con-ers! I heart you big time!

These pictures are courtesy of Justin Kirchart who submitted them to the blog Pharyngula (which by the way is one of my favorite blogs of all time)

I don't know which sign I like more Superman died for our sins, God hates Jedi or Odin is God...Fuckin Love it!

Comic Con Updates: Digital vs Print

I read an article today in the L.A. Times about the new trend of digital comics (click here for article). These comics are available to download on cellphones, iPads, computers etc. 

Digital is definitely the wave of the future and I am not sure I want to go surfing on that wave. First newspapers went digital and then books (thanks to the Nook and Kindle). I can get on board with newspapers being online because they are easier to read that way and I can read multiple newspaper from different cities. I cannot however, get on board with digital books. I have been a book nerd since learning how to read. I love the look, smell, and feel of books! There is nothing like going to a library or bookstore to shop and read! I will never give up reading books in print! I am online all day for my job, so the last thing I want to do when I get home and am ready to relax is to read a book online. Good old fashion books don't need the internet or electricity to be read! I can read a book anywhere and anytime. 

This new idea of digital comics is just as bad of an idea to me as digital books. Again for me personally reading is all about the actual printed pages. I love reading comics and would definitely prefer to read them in print not online. The only positive thing I can say about digital comics is that they would save a lot of storage space. My house is drowning with comics boxes and I don't have a single closet with free space in it! 

Weigh in:

What do you think of comics going digital?

Are you pro or con?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sexy vs Sexist

Feminism, unfortunately has become a bad word to many. It also is a confusing term because it means different things to different people. I consider myself a feminist, but other feminist not might consider me one due to some of my beliefs.Which is complete bullshit because there is no one definition of a feminist!

I am a feminist because I believe in equal rights for both men and women. I believe the sexes are equal in value, skills, intelligence etc. I try my best to be politically active in promoting women's rights and to fight the negative gender stereotypes that have plagued our society since the beginning of time.

My views and practices as a feminist as always evolving as I evolve as a person. For example I use to be against any form of pornography-period. Pornography degrades women and portrays them as sexual objects not people. For the most part I still believe that statement to be true. There are men who only see and treat women like property and sex objects...and these men are pigs! But just because some men treat women this way doesn't mean that all men do. Some men who enjoy pornography are nice guys who treat women really well. Like all things in life not everything is black or white. Life is gray. There are some very bad things that can happen in and from pornography, but there are also some good things too. You just have to be honest and open about both sides. Stay away from anything you feel is wrong, but remember that not everyone shares your opinion. It is not fair to impose your rules and morals on other people!

There are feminist who believe it is wrong for any woman to support or be a part of the pornography industry. Gloria Steinem once said, “A woman reading Playboy feels a little like a Jew reading a Nazi manual.”I use to agree with her. How could any woman subject herself to being another man's sex object? We have fought for so many years for the right to be seen and valued for more then sex. We have more then just a vagina boys! I do get angry when I meet women who don't care about their own rights or the rights of women as a whole. It is frustrating! This doesn't mean though the just because a woman is involved in the sex industry that she is one of those non-caring women. Feminists can be anyone! Women who pose in Playboy pose because they want to. There isn't some man standing behind them holding a gun to their heads. Women are choosing to be in Playboy. Hey here's a crazy thought maybe some women genuinely enjoy being naked and being viewed as a sex symbol. And guess what we live in America where they have every right to feel that way! We need to stop stop judging people based on stereotypes!

Stereotypes are stereotypes....they are assumptions made about a whole group. While stereotypes are usually based on small pieces of truth, generally they are a big load of shit!

Not all women are feminists (sad but true-mostly thanks to religion)
Not all feminists are women
Not all feminists are men hating lesbians (but some are)
Not all Playboy bunnies and centerfolds are uneducated, anti-feminist, airheads (but some are)

You get the idea...stop judging people! We are always boxing people in and creating these narrow definitions of them. Why can't you be in Playboy and be a feminist? Who made this decision and why do we listen to them? Why do we assume someone's intelligence and skill level based off of their outward appearance? News flash there is no correlation between appearance and beliefs, skills, intelligence, education level etc.

If a woman wants to pose in Playboy I think she should be able to do it! It is not my place to tell her no! The female body is beautiful and sexy...and that is part of what makes us special!

Women should not have to become like men (acting or looking like) in order to be equal. I am equal to a man in every way....and that stays true whether I am naked, wearing pink designer clothes,  and make-up or wearing a broom skirt, Birkenstocks, and no make-up at all! 

Let's put the feminine back into feminism! Let's stop being sexist and start being sexy!

I am a feminist because I believe in the crazy notion that I can be feminine and be equal!

Comic Con 2010

Well it's that time of year again friends...Comic Con time. While I would love to say I am writing this post as I am in San Diego that just isn't the truth. I am once again not attending the Comic Con-poo! I have missed the Comic Con for a couple of years in a row now because the fuckin tickets keep being sold out so soon! What the hell? I know it helps the comic industry to have comics becoming more mainstream...but what about us old loyal comic readers? All of you non comic readers who are currently at the con to see movie, anime, or manga shit go the hell home and give me your ticket instead! The Comic Con has become so popular it keeps selling out every year now...I think you should have to have a comic subscription box in order to be allowed to purchase a ticket-LOL!

Well I guess I will just have to wait until one of my friends gets back from the con and reports back to me on how it was. I can't believe I am missing getting to see my girlfriend Angelina Jolie! That is a crime in my book!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weekly Comics Update: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Well in good news I have to rave for a moment about the Gotham City Sirens series. I just love this new series! The artwork is good, but the storyline is just fabulous! I couldn't ask for more having Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn together! Harley Quinn is my favorite villainess! She kicks ass! I love that she is smart, child-like, and fucking nuts all at the same time. If we ladies are being honest we love Harley Quinn because she is just like us. Ask my husband he will tell you I am completely crazy, but lovable all the same-LOL! His favorite Happy Bunny quote for me is "Cute but psycho...things even out." I think that sums Harley Quinn up pretty good as well!

 On to the bad news...what the fuck is up with Witchblade? I have been a loyal fan since issue one and I getting so tired of the bad writing! The artwork is breathtaking-I am completely in love with Sejic's work so the art in the series gets an A+...the story however, sucks the big hairy b's! Yes I mean hairy balls or I guess the hairy ball sack.  I really enjoyed the series during the whole First Born storyline...but I started to lose interest with the War storyline. I like Danielle as a character, but Sarah went completely evil on us. What the hell? Since I am complaining at the moment let me also harp on about the ridiculous lesbian storyline they have added in with Danielle! Seriously am I reading a comic or watching a porno? I am all for gay rights and I don't mind more homosexuals being introduced as characters...but everyone knows Danielle and Finch are not really lesbian...they are lipstick lesbians...two hot girl dancers who are experimenting. Again if I want to read that kind of storyline I will read a porno script not a comic! Witchblade has a huge female based readership and I am telling you right now we do not want to read about cheesy lipstick lesbian scenes! So knock it off boys (that means you witchblade writers)! Back to the regular storyline issue...it just feels like the energy and passion of Sarah's character is gone now. The writing has become very mundane! I miss the old Sarah and her ass kicking detectiving ways! Pretty please make Witchblade good again! I want to stay a loyal fan!

In media comic news...why the hell is everyone changing iconic comic costumes? I understand that the movie industry wants to make comic movies more appropriate for general audiences (not just comic fans), but seriously why do they have to change the costume we have come to love so much?

Issue #1: 
Wonder Woman's new outfit. Yes her original outfit is outdated, but who the fuck cares? It's iconic and classic! I love how Americana Wonder Woman's original costume is! Her new outfit looks ridiculous-seriously! It's as if they had to make Wonder Woman become a bull dike in order to be modern. What the fuck? Modern women don't only wear pants and leather jackets...or fingerless gloves for that matter! Where did Wonder Woman's femininity go? I like my heroines feminine and tough! I don't need a dikey Wonder Woman thank you very much! 

Issue #2:
Green Lantern's new movie costume. I am still undecided on this issue. I prefer costumes to be original and iconic, but I can see how lights in the suit might look pretty bad ass. I'll have to wait and see the movie to weigh in properly on this new change.

Issue #3:
Captain America's new movie costume. Ugh! What more can I say! Yes tights on a man are weird and somewhat homoerotic but still superheros always wear tights-come on! What is up with his new cargo pants? Captain America's new costume is meant to look more like a real life military uniform...comics are fantasy based though so why do we have to make the costume realistic? Isn't the point of fantasy, fantasy? I can't believe so many of our beloved iconic superheros are undergoing costume changes! If something isn't broken don't fix it! Stop fucking with things Hollywood!

The Brock Lesnar Problem

In the hopes of not sounding too girly I will freely admit that sometimes I dislike MMA fighters for shallow reasons-hey we all do it from time to time. While I am a serious MMA fan and do actually know what I am talking about (occasionally) every once in a while I just have to "hate" a certain fighter. That fighter for me right now is Brock Lesnar. I am sure he is a very nice guy in real life and it's nothing personal, but I just can't stand him as a fighter! He is getting better as a fighter and I appreciate that. I do believe he wants to be a serious MMA contender and is working on advancing his MMA skills...but still I just can't see him as anything but a big ogre! I think it's my WWE bias. I HATE fake wrestling-detest it seriously! It's cheesy and just plain stupid! Now there is a new trend for guys to go from being entertainment wrestlers to real MMA fighters...ummm I don't think so! This is not a trend I can get on board with! As unfair as this is no matter how good a previous WWE wrestler becomes I will always just see him as a stupid fake White Trash wrestler. That's the plain and simple truth straight from my mouth. Sorry Brock you won't be gaining my fanship anytime soon!
